My heart goes out to New Orleans and others in the path of Hurricane Gustav.
The 24-7 coverage is warranted, and the region seems more prepared this time. This time W. isn’t on vacation in Crawford, press reports indicate he’ll be in Austin, Texas, when the storm hits. Political opportunists are shaping this as a chance for W., and the Republican Party to gain redemption from Katrina Even as a partisan opponent, I hope they do a heckuvajob this time.
McCain seems finally to be catching major breaks. His convention will now be free from saluting the worst President ever. The white hot intensity of the media spotlight quickly shifted from the Gov. Palin, who has served 18 months as the governor of a small state, and now finds herself potentially a heartbeat away from leading the free world.
I’m struggling to wrap my brain around McCain’s decision to put her on the ticket. She’s a maverick like him, I’m told. She said no to the ‘bridge to nowhere’ in her state; although, she supported it as a candidate until the project became an embarrassment to her state. So she supported it before she was against it, which was unpopular in the last election cycle.
She wants creation science taught alongside evolution in science classes. She’s big oil, all about drilling up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. She’s all about hunting and eating moose, bringing images of Teddy Roosevelt to the National Rifle Association. She’s got a son going to Iraq during the campaign. The clincher: she didn’t have an abortion upon learning her child would have Down syndrome.
Conservative pundits say evangelicals are dancing in the isles and suddenly can’t wait to vote McCain. She’s also responsible for state-funded benefits for the partners of Alaska’s gay employees. She abused the powers of her office over a bad brother-in-law, a state investigation will conclude a week before the election. McCain is still has that Keating 5 corruption scandal on his permanent record, but that was back in the 80s, when Gov. Palin was running for Miss Alaska. She played the flute and won Miss Congeniality.
I think I’m going to like this Alaskan Governor’s personality and energy. She’s profoundly unqualified. Evangelicals succeeded in keeping Lieberman off the ticket. Give credit where credit is due.