Sarah Palin’s children are off limits, unless the diversion benefits your campaign.
I find the17 year old Palin daughter’s pregnancy and the mystery father fiancé a diversion from the fact that Palin is shockingly unqualified to be President. Palin was an outspoken opponent of sex education in public schools during her 20 months in office, a policy issue which deserves scrutiny. My own impulse was to go back and fight the sex education-abstinence-only education battle all over again, but wait.
This is a red meat issue for evangelicals. The base is being prodded. The media took the diversion bait and ran with it. The story Obama said should be off limits, was indeed discussed to death. As Sarah prepares to speak to the country, instead of defending her light resume, she now merely needs to defend her family’s lack of abortions to social conservative cheerleaders. Come on, we’re two months away from the election. Let’s stay focused.
I suspect if the media returned focus to the fact that she’s not qualified to be President, this GOP convention would end in the Palin daughter’s shotgun wedding.
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