My parents sold their Magnolia, Arkansas, home Saturday, and purchased one in Cartersville, Georgia (an hour or so north of Atlanta). Within weeks, Michael & I will drive them to their new home, which will provide them with a living space more suited to their needs, closer access to quality medical care, along with my sister and a brother, and their families.
My childhood home and the land my father played on when he was a child, was sold to a cousin who also has deep family roots on that rural county road in south Arkansas.
Mom & Pop have only seen their new Georgia home only on a DVD, as my sister did an amazing job of finding just the right home for them.
This move is absolutely right for them, and while this devoted Momma's boy and other Arkansas family members will greatly miss having them so close, we will all take comfort in knowing their remaining years will be less difficult and that they will be well loved and cared for by the Georgia side of the family.
I'm so proud of the faith and courage shown by my parents at their age and with their health issues to seize this opportunity, and for my sister and brother-in-law, Pam & Paul, who worked so hard to make it happen.
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